Sunday, August 29, 2010

Kiev Temple Dedication

The Beginning

Men Dancing

Strong Young Men

Half the flag

Half of the Amenian Flag, Red, Blue and Orange

That would be hard to do

The Young and the Old

Mission Office

The Kiev, Ukraine Temple was dedicated today, August 29, 2010.  Armenia is in that Temple District.  We had the opportunity to send several of our young people to Kiev to perform a traditional Armenian dance.  They held a dress rehearsal at the Church a few days before they left.  We were able to attend that rehearsal  The kids were great.  These are some pictures from that evening.

On Saturday evening we went to the Church and watched the live broadcast, via satellite.  They had dances from most of the countries that will attend the Kiev Temple.  It was a great night.  Our kids really performed.  There is an article on along with a  picture of the kids.

On Sunday,  we attended the dedication.  We were part of the first of three sessions.  We got to watch the traditional symbolic laying of the cornerstone.  President Monson was in really rare form, kidding around with the young people that were there.

Church / Mission Office Bldg
We watched the session in the room where we hold Baptisms. It required a recommend to be there.  When we walked in, we could really feel the difference. Our office is right down the hall, but at that time, we were in the Temple.  The whole thing lasted about two hours and the spirit was very strong. We really got our spiritual batteries recharged today.


  1. What a wonderful thing to be a part of! The traditional clothing is so beautiful. It has a South American look to it. Hooray for a new temple in Kiev!

  2. Wow, they look great! I so wish I could have seen them perform!

  3. What a neat time to be on your mission...just in time for a new temple. How awesome to see president Monson as well.

  4. That is so cool. What an awesome experience to be part of. Thank you for sharing it with us. Love you guys!

  5. Hey all,
    Sorry I have not written as often as I'd like. It looks like you all are having an incredible time and making a great impact on people's lives. I had to laugh about your story about the circles and traveling down each one...It was the same way in Jordan and very confusing. Keep up the great work and we love and miss you!
