Sunday, October 2, 2011

Fall Travels

It has been over a month since our last post.  We have moved into fall and depending on where we are in the country, it is either still warm or getting cool or even cold.  Mt Aragats, the highest mountain in Armenia has snow on it already.  This is a beautiful time of the year.  Once you get past the cool morning, the daytime temperatures are about perfect.  We have continued to be very busy with new projects, finishing the water project and closing other projects. These are some of the places we have been and some of the things that we have done.
Castle and Church on the way to the top of Mt Aragats
This pig thinks it is a calf. Out side of the Church.
These tribes living here are herders of sheep and cows.
This is tough land, it would be difficult to farm it.  This is typical of the area.
It was fun to have a day off and go up Mt Aragats and see this high lake.
The Senior Missionaries on the way to Mt Aragats.
After a day off, back to work, closing a farm equipment project.  We love to see the young people working in the villages.
Farmers love to do a BBQ after a closing.
Ajapynak Branch Primary program.
LDSC provided this Analyzer to a remote village clinic, Buzhakan, Aragotsotn, Armenia
The doctor gave us this beautiful picture of Mt Ararat.
Elder and Sister Rich with some of Armerica's finest.
Village house damaged by a mudslide.
 The village of Getahovit was damaged by  a mudslide.  LDSC was given permission to provide them with pipes to repair their water system.  We had done a clean water project there a couple of years ago.  Part of the damage was in the village, as shown by the above picture.  There were several houses damaged as well as a lot of water pipe. There was also damage done to the pipes that bring the water from the source to the village, several kilometers away.  We had to take an old Soviet Army truck to go inspect the work.  Sister Rich and Syuzi stayed in the village, while N'shan, Eric and Elder Rich rode in the truck up to the source.

Elder Rich and Eric opted to ride in the back for a better view.
It took about an hour each way to get to where the work was being done.  When we got back, Elder Rich was all muddy.  Sister Rich asked what happened.  Elder Rich explained that when they got to the top and got off the truck, a bear came out of the woods and attacked the group.  Elder Rich decided to wrestle the bear.  The bear threw Elder Rich in the mud and Elder Rich threw the bear in the mud and chased it away.  That is  my story and I am sticking to it.  It sounded a lot better than saying that I fell when I jumped off the back of the truck and landed in the mud.  I don't know why Sister Rich didn't believe the story.
Eric and Elder Rich.  Boys will be boys.
LDSC provided this old Russian Combine to several villages in Ararat Marz.
Bread and salt at a water closing.

Sister Rich has cut a lot of ribbons in Armenia.
A lot of very happy villagers who now have water for the first time.
Khor Virap Church with Mt Ararat on a very clear day.
 The blogger seems to be full, so we will continue this blog in Fall Travels Part 2.

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